Animal Power Aztec Dance with Asalia Arellano
August 15th,
10:00 am-12:00 pm
In various Mexican traditional indigenous, spiritual beliefs including the Aztec culture, each person has their animal power or better called: "Nahual", which helps a human to understand their own nature and skills that could be used through their life. To know one’s “Nahual” also helps to better understand one’s essence; this workshop intends to show some Aztec dance movements related to this spiritual journey and practice.
with Penny Couchie
August 15th,
1:00- 3:00 pm
This workshop is aimed at exploring and investigating the relationship between place, land and our own landscapes. We will engage in creating small dances inspired by big questions. What are we moved by? How do we celebrate the multidimensionality of who we are and the multitude of ways we express ourselves?
Tejidos Sensibles
with Eduardo Ruiz
August 16th,
10:00 am-12:00 pm
Born from a theoretical-practical research on haptic 2 perception, this encounter/workshop proposes to explore the connection between the body and the deep feeling, accessing and revealing memories inscribed on the skin. Thanks to accompaniment work, the state of activation of the present moment will be promoted, encouraging the conscious flow of emotions and gestures. From exercises inspired by various dance techniques and through a series of body experiences enriched by the work with the subtle bodies, the mobility of the fascia and the awareness of the vagus nerve, the encounter proposes the integration of the body/mind/soul facilitating the emergence of a state of authenticity, liberating, sincere and vital.
The goal of this encounter is to place the body in a state of disposition and in balance with the nervous system and the organs that compose it to agents and direct their expressions, their intentions and their gestures towards the development of a conscious corporal writing. This is a work that is based on the personal corporal experience of each participant.
Slow Dances for Close Shots with Ximena Monroy (Online workshop) August 17th, 1:00-3:00 pm
In this workshop, we will explore the sensitivity of attentive corporeality, very present and willing to improvise. We will frame and look at fragments of the body, and emit and listen to landscapes of voices and sounds. Through a video call we will meet, compose together and spontaneously create slow dances for shots close to the camera.
The workshop aimed at artists and «non-artists», interested in playing and exploring the image of one's own body, of fellow bodies, sounds, musicalities and paces, instant and sensitive collaboration. The quota for this workshop is for up to 30 people.

Modern and Ancestral Dance with Carlos Jaramillo
August 18th,
10:00 am-12:00 pm
The master class will be focused on ancestral movements, on the movements that will lead us to a ritual and primal journey, to ritual and body poetry.
The master class will look for the most natural movement, the initial one, the ritual movement that each one of us carries in its human root, the ancestral seed that comes with each human being, from the beginning of its existence.